U.S. Military & Government Orders

U.S. Military and U.S. Government Customers FEDMALL

MILSTRIP Orders/Government Purchase Card Orders

In 2011, Your Supply Depot Limited was awarded a MILSTRIP contract Award  SPM7W1-13-D-E084 to sell Dog Tag Machines, Engraving Machines, tags and chains through the FEDMALL EMall website.

What is FEDMALL? How do I access it?
FedMall is an e-commerce ordering system for Department of Defense (DoD), Federal, State, and authorized local agencies to search for and acquire products from government reserves and commercial sources. Buyers will have access to ttens of millions of individual items of supply, freom centrally managed DoD and General Service Administration (GSA) assets to commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products.
As a customer, you will access FedMall by visiting:  https://www.fedmall.mil

Registering as a FedMall Customer
Before you start, be sure that you have each of the following (if you don’t or aren’t sure, see the sidebar):
  • A valid authentication certificate, such as a CAC card, PIV card, or a soft certificate available to your web browser

  • If you intend to have purchasing authority, the credit card (e.g. Government Purchase Card, GPC) information and/or MILSTRIP information.

Steps to register
  • Visit FedMall at https://www.fedmall.mil.

  • Select your certificate and enter your pin, if prompted. (Note: if you are not prompted to select a certificate or if you are unable to proceed with your selected certificate, contact Customer Interaction Center.)

  • Read and accept the standard notice and consent.

  • Complete the one-page registration form.

That’s it! Once you submit your registration, you will automatically be approved as a registered FedMall customer and be ready to shop. You may optionally add payment methods or request additional permissions.

For additional information on the FEDMALL
If you are able to log onto FedMall and need assistance with using or placing an order in FedMall please contact the Customer Interaction Center at 1-877-352-2255. If you are unable to log onto FedMall or if you are receiving a technical error condition while using FedMall please contact the Enterprise Helpdesk at 1-855-352-0001.
Review Training Materials at the FEDMALL Web site at: https://www.fedmall.mil

FedMall Quick Start Guide